Have You Ever Been Overwhelmed?

This time of year I want to tie up the loose ends from 2014’s projects. I really like finishing things up before I start in on the new projects in the new year: website makeover, finish my book, step up my marketing, and more.

It’s not uncommon to want a sense of completion and closure when the year is coming to an end. Sometimes it’s more difficult to move forward and actually finish what you’re working on – because of overwhelm.

Overwhelm is paralyzing. You’re sitting there:

  • Feeling that you have gotten so behind with your projects, your errands, and your paperwork that there’s no way catch up.
  • Looking at your desk and there is no clear space and you’ve forgotten what is in all those piles.
  • Believing that everything you need to do is equally important.
  • Pressuring yourself to do everything perfectly.

What can you do to rediscover your sense of balance, quiet and clarity so that you can get out of overwhelm and enjoy your days again?

10 Best Tips To Get Out Of Overwhelm

Here are 10 of the best tips ever for getting out of overwhelm and back to getting things done without stress, negative self-talk and anxiety. Pick one (just one please) to get started:

  1. Recognize and acknowledge that you are feeling overwhelmed…don’t push through the feeling; give yourself room to accept that you’re feeling overwhelmed right this minute.
  2. Do less: pick one thing on your list and do it.
  3. Don’t multitask. Turn off the phone and the email. Focus.
  4. Write out your biggest 2 – 3 goals. Then chunk them down into the small, measurable steps and take the first step of the most important goal.
  5. Know your peak energy times and schedule the work that requires your best concentration and creativity for those times.
  6. Schedule breaks – a walk, a coffee break with a friend, or listening to music. Feel renewed
  7. Get rid of the post-its and scraps of paper and put all your to-do items on one list.
  8. Learn to delegate: are you the only person who can do this task? Are you the best person for this task? If not, then delegate.
  9. Drop perfectionism: some things will be done as well as possible, and other things will just get done.
  10. Create boundaries around your time: pick your ideal time for writing, doing your finances, marketing, networking and relaxing with friends. Set time in your schedule for each type of activity.

 You can do anything, but not everything. David Allen, Getting Things Done


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