How to Speak Up for Yourself in Everyday Relationships

What holds you back from speaking up for yourself?

Many women hold back from expressing their needs and desires at work, with family, and in all of their everyday relationships. They don’t speak up because of their deeply ingrained assumptions about what women are allowed to ask for, in addition to not knowing what to say and how to say it.

Perfect Pitch will change your outlook on speaking up and send you into the world with power-infused tools and strategies.

Speaking up begins with clearing away old beliefs that stop you from asking for what you want. Then you’re ready to master constructive and creative techniques to advocate for yourself in any situation—without self-doubt or self-sabotage.

The 22 practices in this book, interwoven with real-life examples from the author and her friends, colleagues, and clients, will help you make changes in sustainable, permanent ways. You will learn to:

  • Release old assumptions that have damaged your ability to value and respect your own needs.
  • Master communication skills that make it simple and painless to take care of yourself and become your own best advocate.
  • Remain compassionate and supportive toward the people you care about without losing sight of your needs.

Perfect Pitch is the perfect guide if you want to actively build your confidence and speaking-up skills in everyday life.

Pitch Perfect
Perfect Pitch: How To Speak Up for Yourself in Everyday Relationships

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A Step Forward

I've finally taken that step forward and created my new venture, a Spanish language immersion program for adults.  I have to tell you that Marsha’s negotiation workshops along with private sessions gave me the impetus to follow through on a dream I had shelved 30 years ago.
María Dolores G.

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