Winter Solstice Will Be Here Soon

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, begins at 9:19 pm December 21, Mountain time. Winter Solstice is also the darkest day of the year. Although the Winter Solstice marks the return of the light, during the next seven days, we will go deeper into the darkness.

While Solstice is considered the beginning of winter, I feel like I’m already in the middle of this coldest season. I’m making stews and soups, drinking more tea, and going to sleep earlier.Winter Solstice I notice my inclinations to rest more, be still, and reflect on the changes I have gone through in the past year. My spirit and body are in some kind of tranquil agreement.

If we are open to entering it, we can find treasures hiding in the darkness.

5 Things To Do in The Dark

In contrast to the possibility of calm and contemplation are all the pressures that come with the holidays. As nurturers and caretakers, we work harder to make the holidays magical for others. Last week, I wrote about how to put some of that focus back on yourself so that you too can have an intentionally different holiday.

Let today be a day to savor the darkness as a time for personal reflection and contemplation. Maybe you will discover a new practice that you can feed and nourish now, one you will carry with you into the longer days and new growth of spring.

Some ways to savor the darkness:

  1. Meditate
  2. Let music wash over you
  3. Sleep in
  4. Eat slowly
  5. Reflect and journal


Reflection practice for Winter Solstice
Answer these questions in your journal

What do I most need to release from my life now?
What habits, thoughts, behaviors or other aspects of your life (such as a relationship or job) are no longer serving you? What do you need to let go of?

What needs to rest, to encourage new growth?
As various creatures migrate or hibernate, and the trees shed their leaves and go into ‘Wintering’ mode, we are reminded of the importance of resting cycles in nature. By resting now, new growth will be supported in the Spring. What do you need to relax now, in order to promote renewal when the time is right?

What am I not seeing about myself or deceiving myself about?
Are you being fooled? Perhaps you are the one being deceptive and fooling someone else, or yourself about something. This position is to help you see more clearly, despite the darkness outside!

How can I be a light for others at this time?
This dark time of year can be particularly challenging for some people. How can you help? What can you do to make things better for others? How can you shine your light?

Personal note:

One way I’m feeling in sync with the Winter Solstice is that I pushed the Publish button on Amazon and published my book Perfect Pitch. Completing this final step to publicationPerfect Pitch how to speak up for yourself in everyday relationships lets me to have this peaceful week of reflecting on that part of this year’s journey. It’s been a project that required focus, persistence, and courage. And now, back to making soup!

Why not curl up with my book and learn how to speak up for yourself with authority AND grace so you can ask for what you need and want in 2020? You can purchase Perfect Pitch here. I hope you enjoy it!

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