Spring Equinox officially occurred around 10 pm last night in the Northern Hemisphere, and in other parts of the world, early this morning (March 20). The Equinox signifies the time of the year when new life emerges quickly and joyfully. The plants and trees Change, Intention and Spring Equinoxin my yard are budding. The new growth reminds me that change is constant.

Right now, we are undergoing enormous change. These changes are coupled with much uncertainty and lack of control over our daily lives, much of it due the fluctuating rules and restrictions set up to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Change is Constant

When you are experiencing significant change—personal or coming from outside of you—remind yourself that change is the only constant in your world. Often, you can use some help to weather the big changes, especially when you’re facing things you can’t control.

Think about the many changes you have experienced in your life. Take a minute to remember the personal and global events that have impacted you over the years. Recognize that you have been resilient, creative, and practical. You survived, and maybe flourished, during most of these challenges.

Intentions Help Us Ride the Waves of Change

Spring Equinox is a perfect time to observe and reflect on the character of change. It’s the right time to consider how you can utilize opportunities for change to improve yourself or your circumstances. You can set intentions to ride the waves of change consciously and peacefully. Mindfully setting intentions for yourself will help ground you, focus you, and give you a purpose to bring with you into the next few months.

There are many rituals to help you set intentions. We have tools, instructions, and methods from many different spiritual traditions. I’m going to do a simple ritual tonight. I’ll share it here to give you a starting point if you are unfamiliar with setting intentions and using ritual to help you embody your intention.

A Simple Spring Equinox Ritual to Set Intentions

To honor yourself and to recognize your strength and resilience, take some time to name an intention for Spring. Your intention could be something you want to manifest for yourself or an intention for greater calm and peace in the world and guidance for how you can contribute. Whatever you choose, write it down on a strip of paper.

First, arrange space either inside or outside your house. Use a table or another flat surface to set up your tools. Your tools will be simple: a fireproof bowl, a candle, a strip of paper, and a pen. You can also put objects that you love around the table, like flowers, stones, feathers, or anything that reminds you of Mother Earth.

Next, write your intention on a strip of paper. Your intention is something you want for yourself. Even if you’re going to address global issues, think about them in terms of more safety or peace in your life, or guidance for how you can contribute. Mostly, I like to set an intention for something I can see, sense, taste, or feel, that is, something that I can recognize when it manifests.

Then, light your candle and look at the flame, letting yourself sink into a meditative state. Hold your written intention either at your heart or your third eye (forehead) while you meditate on it.

When you sense that your thinking, feelings, and energy are aligned with your intention, burn the paper in the candle flame. Then, place the burning strip of paper in the fireproof bowl. Watch it burn to ashes, knowing that you now effortlessly hold your intention within your heart.

For me, it’s important to say something aloud to enliven my intention, to boost the power of the ritual. I like this phrase, or you can create your own:

As Spring awakens, so do I. I bring Spring’s aliveness, expansiveness, and power to me.

Intentions work at the level of the subconscious, and rituals also work at the same level. By using both together, you have made a powerful statement to your subconscious. Your subconscious will remember and, in subtle ways, keep guiding you toward the fulfillment of your intention.

For me, intention setting and rituals are a way of honoring my dreams and desires. Will you join me and set an intention for yourself at this Spring Equinox, and reinforce it with a simple ritual?

If you chose to set an intention or do a ritual for the Spring Equinox, please let me know. Or, if you feel this just isn’t for you, please let me know that. I always appreciate your feedback. You can post in the Comments below, or send me an email.




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